Thursday, April 3, 2008


This blog has come to a temporary stand still as our travels have ceased for the time being.

As you read through our blog keep in mind...
-The postings are in reverse chronological order (it won't let me change it!). The very first entry is 'Master Plan' and the most current entry is this one. Your best bet is to navigate using the menu on the lower right side of the page (expand each month by clicking on the small triangles- then click on the entry you want to read).

-Get the story behind the dog here ... so you don't think that we are weirdos :)

-All the pictures have been compressed in order to make the blog load faster. If you'd like to see a particular picture at a better resolution- let me know!

-Feel free to leave comments! However, I don't check the comments here that often. You'd have better luck reaching me by email:

Happy reading and happy travels!


Monday, February 25, 2008

My First NY Snowstorm!

My first snowstorm whiling living in NY (not counting the small amount of snow that fell when we drove into NJ and NY). Simo and shoveled the driveway. That's the Pri covered in snow in the driveway! After the shoveling was done, Simo, Stamati and I took a walk by the water.

We probably had 6 or 7 inches of snow and it started to melt later that night. Today is was over 50 degrees outside so most of the snow is gone- just a few big piles here and there.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Philly and Brooklyn!

Finally the last of the pictures!!!
Arriving in Brooklyn to beautiful snow!

4,346 total miles - 31.8 mpg average for the whole trip

A few pictures from Philadelphia and the Liberty Bell!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Washington DC

Here are our various photos of DC. They include the White House, Washington Monument, Capitol Building, Korean War Memorial, Vietnam War Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Arlington Cemetary, Lincoln Memorial, National Archives Building, Union Station, JFK's burial and eternal flame and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Flowers at the White House!